The Fake News Project
All News Is Fake News!(Or Not)
What are you into? What really matters most to you? Is it your own individual life? Your Family’s well being? The safety of our country? How will you pay your bills? How will you retire? Is the planet really dying? Should abortion rights be so important? What about guns? Russia? China? Farmers? Aliens? Taxes? The markets? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Crazy… Right? Just open up Google news on your phone and you will immediately find news on all the things that the ruling parties want you to think about. But they don’t just want you thinking about it, the need you to be thinking about it all the time, and most importantly, they need you to be thinking what they want you to be thinking about it.
The media has allowed itself to be pulled into the gravity of these two fighting worlds, the Conservatives vs. the Liberals. It’s like watching a star slowly get eaten by a black hole. Tragic.
Now, imagine taking just the facts and removing the opinion givers who deliver them? Even better, taking those facts and sharing them with others, regardless of their personal beliefs, and discussing them? At a bar? At the dinner table? On a chat? In A text? In an email? Or on the Phone? Or just on an Uber, or a bus? Literally anywhere is a perfect place to ask your nearest American what they think and why.
Every time some hard facts land in an inconvenient time or place, someone declares it FAKE NEWS! And for every one who declares something to be fake news, there is someone else declaring that declaration to be…you guessed it: FAKE NEWS! By the end of any given news day, it is not impossible to see a fact turned into a fake, and back into a fact, and back into a fake, and back into a fact, so many times that it begins to take on a school yard degree of childishness that can only be described as “I know you are! But What am I?” reporting! And it always involves names big and small in the media world, and ultimately your local community of whatever social media platform you like to hang out on. Then, finally, the most egregious and enduring “News” always ends up either in a car ride home, at a dinner table, on the phone, on the couch, or even in bed. So, really, there is no escaping it. But…we can sure as hell tame it! And the Decline to Specify Movement is going to do just that!
The difference between real news and fake news isn’t what they say, it’s how they say it. They want to make sure you understand how they want you to receive the facts. News is just what we call newly revealed and relevant information. But, where the media biases begin to show themselves, is in that second part: Relevance! They present the news in the context of relevance, trying as hard as they can to steer you toward believing that if you did not already see why it matters to you, then you do now.
The Truth is like a tire fire; it’s always burning, it can’t be put out, it can only be buried for so long before it starts to stink too much, and it’s always toxic to someone. The Fake News Project seeks to arm the American people with the tools and knowledge to combat the effects of a party driven cloud of toxic bullshit and find the truth together. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
The Fake News Project is here to educate Americans about this epidemic of News Abusers who bash their own media compatriots on a daily basis, leaving the rest of us in a cloudy haze of fact obfuscating opinions and party driven bullshit. At the end of the day, you end up hearing the exact same messages from both ends of the media spectrum. That message? “We’re real, they’re fake, and you need to trust us on this.” But, with the nearly limitless availability of information on the internet today, it is incredibly easy to cut through it all and get to the information you need to make informed decisions and have solidly valid opinions on current events that are relevant to you and your community. Seriously, a little education goes a long way; especially when it comes to distilling fact from fiction, in today’s media world.
The Fake News Project seeks to challenge the media world to take notice of it’s current state of being by forcing it to recognize that it’s scope of news coverage has become restricted to nearly exclusive coverage of the two ruling political parties and their various celebrities. We will do this by offering the general public a pool of curated resources designed to offer easy access to a new way to evaluate the modern media today.
The Truth is like a tire fire; it’s always burning, it can’t be put out, it can only be buried for so long before it starts to stink too much, and it’s always toxic to someone.
The Fake News Project seeks to arm the American people with the tools and knowledge to combat the effects of a party driven cloud of toxic bullshit and find the truth together. Check out these useful links to help you begin your journey to a better understanding of what is and is not news: is a great place to start. You can read about world events and politics in an environment dedicated to showing you the clear bias of every article and news source. It’s a great place to start learning how to spot where the news ends and the bullshit begins in any article.
Interactive Media Bias Chart 5.0 is an excellent place to go and see where your favorite “sources” of news currently rank on the bias chart. You can see them all together or look at them individually with the click of a button. It really puts the entire media landscape in perspective, and provides an easy way to find a place to start your journey to the truth hidden in the media madness.
Remember, the only real news is factual news. The rest of it is opinion, speculation, and biased bullshit! It’s up to all of us to try to raise ourselves above it all and face reality together. See the facts, then go and form your own opinions, and finally go and test them against opposing news sources and real people in your lives.
“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”