It’s like this, America. We are at that point in history, where we have to decide our future for generations to come...and we simply cannot rely on the Republicans or the Democrats to save us.  They’re busy. So it’s up to us, to make the decisions that must be made today, in order to save tomorrow. If you belong to one of the two ruling parties, then you are part of the problem. And while this manifesto is a result of those two parties continually failing to do anything useful on the regular, this manifesto isn’t meant for you. It’s meant for the true majority of Americans, the MIssing Americans. Do you know us? The ones you ignore, the ones you alienate, the ones you discount, the ones that the Republicans and Democrats claim to represent...but don’t? Yeah, that’s us. That’s the Missing America. Two thirds of the population. Twice as many American citizens, as there are in both of your parties combined. That’s us. We are the majority of citizens at every social and economic level in this country. And the lower you go, the more of us there are. We already outnumber you, we’re growing every day, ... and we’re pissed.

For too long, those two parties have ruled unchecked, and things have only gotten worse with each successive power cycle; and in every political arena, from the national government, all the way down to the tiniest local governments. Together, they have maintained control of our government since the beginning, and while they have learned from their predecessors, and become ever more adaptive over the years, their avarice and their ignorance have come at a price. And now, like their predecessors, the British Monarchy (remember them?), they have born a revolution that is slowly rising up against them. As was the fate of the British Monarchy in America, the natural end to the reign of the Republicans and the Democrats has come. The Republicans and the Democrats are both long descended from a singular cabal of powerful Americans who sought to control the government from it’s very inception, in order to keep control of their own prosperity.  When you think about it, it’s the ultimate expression of American Life; do anything you can to make your life, and the lives of those you choose to support, as great as possible. But, this great experiment, called America, is not theirs to control. It belongs to all of us. So, it’s time for all Americans to come together to do anything we can to make our lives, and the lives of those we choose to support, as great as possible. The difference between us doing it, and the two parties doing it, is that we tend to see the value in choosing to support each other, as a means to better ourselves. It’s simple really, if we all have things to lose that we hold in common, such as our families, our friends, our livelihoods, etc., then we are all more secure knowing that everyone is looking out for each other. No politics needed...just a working government. It’s that last part that the Republicans and the Democrats are too busy to tend to.

The founders of this country intended for each and every American to be free to govern themselves. They prepared us for times like these, by giving us our own voice in government: a vote. Now is the time to use it, but not in service of the Republican Party, or the Democrats. No. All votes should be used in service to the country at large. Look, America, you seem to be under the impression that your vote only counts if you are in one of the two ruling parties; or that by not voting you are somehow voting against both parties.  And I am sure it makes you feel good to be that way. But, you idiots are fucking up a perfectly good country with that shit, and it needs to stop. You don’t have to be in a political party, to make a difference; and you damn sure don’t have to turn your back on your most powerful tool as an American, just to show how pissed you are!  

That’s. What. They. Want.

We are being ruled over by two sides of the same monarchical coin. It’s true, check your history. Although they have evolved, and even switched polarities a few times over the course of our history, the fact remains that these two parties split apart from one original party, because… wait for it...they didn’t have anyone else to fight against!  I, shit you, not. Look it up.

We are literally suffering through taxation without representation, all over again. Why? Because every major decision involving our taxes, what we pay and what the money is used for, is the sole purview of the Republicans AND the Democrats. Remember, together, they represent less than half of the population. Yet, they are always running the show, together. We are facing disenfranchisement at unprecedented levels. The rich are indeed still rich, the poor are indeed still poor, and the middle class keeps looking over its shoulder at an ever declining landscape. Like our American Ancestors, our backs are against the wall. Like our American Ancestors, we have little option left but to fight back. Like our American Ancestors, it is time to rise up against a destructive force, so out of touch with its people, that it threatens the lives of all Americans. It’s time for a New American Revolution. But this time, we owe it to the people who died to give us this country, to use the weapon they gave us, so that we would not ever have to suffer that nightmare again. We vote. WE ALL VOTE! It has never been done. We honestly don’t know what would happen if we did all vote. But ask yourself this...After nearly 300 years,,,why the fuck not!?! Seriously?!?! Because, let’s be honest; if shit isn’t bad enough now, to warrant everyone voting, then just how hellish does it need to get? Fires, floods, poverty, hunger, plague, suffering, death, rising hate groups, increasingly more frequent domestic terrorism, Fox News; we’ve got it all! So how is this not bad enough? How is this not Hell on earth, right here in our own country?

Seriously. It’s time to fight back.

We, the Missing Americans, are already rising up. You see it in everyday life, but you may not notice it. In fact, many Americans don’t even realize they are Missing. We were driven out of our own country by two political parties, and yet we never left. Sent out into the political cold, we did what any sensible human being would do, ...we lived our lives. We went to work, we hung out with friends, we spent time with family, we spent money, we paid bills, we paid taxes, and yes, many of us voted; despite our growing disgust at the Republicans and the Democrats. In other words, we lived our Missing American lives just like the Reds and the Blues do. Only we weren’t fighting with each other over what America should be, no. What we were doing, was appreciating America for what it is, and thinking about ways to make it better, together. And we continue to do so today.  See, what you Reds and Blues don’t seem to get is this: It’s our house too! We occupy more of it than you do! And it’s time for the government to be run by our rules! Sure, you ass-hats are well within your rights to support your favorite flavor of destructive political party; ain’t no one stopping you. But the rest of us are quickly coming around to the realization, that shit is still shit, no matter what flavor it is. So you are on notice, that your way of doing things just isn’t going to cut it anymore. But don’t worry. You still have time to save yourselves. I mean real change doesn’t happen overnight. The problem your parties face though, is the fact that what I am describing in this manifesto is not something that is possible, or even likely to happen. That would be easy for you to counter. Nope. Too late for that. What I am describing is already happening out here, in Missing America, where you hold no reliable influence on us. What I am doing in this manifesto, is trying to speed up your inevitable demise, by showing the American people that they hold the power over you, and not the other way around. See, in reality, your parties are neither the heroes, or the villains. You are simply the imminent threat to our freedom, our welfare, and our happiness. In other words, the Republicans and the Democrats, in their current forms, are collectively the single largest threat to American Democracy, since the first American Revolution. Sure it took us nearly 300 years to get here. But this day was always coming. This test of wills between a political power, and it’s people, must always come. And when it does, especially in a land such as ours. The people tend to win. So, ignore this manifesto at your peril, ruling parties. We have put up with this crap long enough to demonstrate that we are patient. We all know that for the next decade, we are still beholden to whatever losers you put forward for us to vote on. Trump has ensured that anyone, no matter how unlikely, can be President. That means me. That means my neighbor. Shit, that means the homeless guy that’s always dancing at the intersection near my house. See, the Reds see him as a hero for the new age of their dominance. The Blues see him as the same thing, only as the Villain, not the hero. Reds think they are America. Blues think they are America. But America doesn’t really see either of them that way. We are waking up, albeit very slowly, to the realization that anyone can get nominated by those two parties. They just have to exploit their weaknesses, and ignore the rest of us. Piece of cake.

We, the Missing Americans, would rather not have to endure this crap for another 300 years, so here we are, doing something about it.  Now, I do not claim to be the voice of the revolution. But I am a voice in the revolution, just one of many, but also a voice that every single American in this country has. Each colored by it’s own life and experiences, each one driven by it’s own desires to live the so called “American Dream”. As simple or as intricate as that dream may be for each of us, it’s ours; and we have the God given, and the government ensured, right to pursue that dream. But the Reds and the Blues do not have the right to tell us what is or is not to be a part of that dream. And yet, they terrify their loyal bases with fear mongering, and then they wind them up with war cries and send them out to form the Proud Boys and ANTIFA. They encourage MAGA hats and Pussy hats! They encourage one religion as the official American religion, or they decry religion in general as a bad thing for Americans. They tell us that the only way forward in America is to pick a side, and then go all the way to the fence with it. They each have a counter argument for the other, in all things. They each tell us to only have faith in them.

But they don’t tell us to have faith in each other.

They say “the American People…” and then they tack on whatever narrative they want to. Well, it’s never been a great way to lead a people, let alone run a government. But as of late, the Republicans AND Democrats have been like, “Hold my beer, hold my earrings, hold my wig, hold my heels, and hold my reservation...this won’t take long,” about making sure they fuck shit up so badly that we are terrified to imagine how we would ever be able to fix it without them. It’s ridiculous. They know they are focusing more on each other, than they are on the government, or the country it serves. And they have gotten so loud, reckless, and damaging, that the nation is starting to move in response.

Now, I am not an expert on...well...anything.  I’m just a citizen, like most Americans. I do my part. But I also do more. I look at the media, all of it. I don’t question the defenses of any one side or the other, but rather I look at the awful things that each side says about the other. And I all take those bad things as the truth. Then I combine those truths and what I discover is, plainly those awful things can be applied to both parties, every time, without fail. That being such an obvious truth, then leads me to the simple conclusion that if We, the Missing Americans, really care about what our lives, and the lives of those who follow, will never be what they are meant to be, until ALL AMERICANS VOTE! Such a consistent and massive show of support for ourselves will never be one that can be easily controlled or abused.

Real Democracy Is Strength in Numbers.

We can do this. We are doing this. But the faster we move, the sooner we win. We will have to suffer fools for many years yet to come, but we can start having a real impact now. It will take all of us, it will take time, but it will make America more than what it is now. It will make America what it is supposed to be. But you must believe in yourself, and those around you, not the parties. We are the owners of this country, the Republicans and the Democrats are just glorified political talent agencies. 

Yes it will take a while. But for now...

We, the Missing Americans, have some demands for the Republican and Democrat Parties. Only two really.


Do your fucking jobs! (Should be simple enough, right?)

Your people were elected to do a simple job, make sure the government works as well as it can, for every American, and our guests. You’re not celebrities. You’re not special. You’re not our lords and masters. You are glorified janitors! You are the custodians of OUR government!  Your job is not to build a new one every two, four, six, or eight years. Your job is to manage, maintain, improve, and repair OUR government, as it exists, FOR US! Once that’s done, THEN you can start beating on each other! And as for the people in your loyal voter bases; if they can’t see that only expecting their elected officials to serve their interests above all others, is selfish as shit, and just plain un-American, then they truly deserve to go down with your ships!


Shut, the fuck, up! (Deeds, not words. Assholes.)

We. Don’t. Care.

Is Trump a total and complete con job? Sure. Don’t care. 

Is Nancy Pelosi a Hillary Clinton shill? Fine, whatever. Still don’t care. 

You know what we do care about? Making sure our government works the way we want it to. 

So stop weaponizing the media. Stop whining like angry piglets. Stop doing pep rallies before the big game that never seems to come. Start letting your actions speak for you, and make sure those actions are the ones we want to see, and not the ones you want us to see. Allow the media to start representing the real picture of the world and America’s role in shaping its future, instead of stalwartly decrying or dictating the news to the media as you see fit.  Shut up. Start listening. Because if you don’t, it’ll be too late for both of your parties; when we are all standing on your door steps, votes in hand, shouting for your political blood, and demanding that you vacate our government.

Now, let me tell you what is going to happen if you do not meet these demands.

We will talk. (It’s the simple things that make life worth living.)

We, the Missing Americans, will talk to each other, and ignore you. 

We will discuss the many ways that the two ruling political parties are screwing us all with their never ending feud, and how they have begun to allow our government to fall apart under their watch. Because remember, while one party or the other may oftentimes hold the most weight, it has always only been the Republicans and the Democrats in power, and yet neither one has ever managed to get anything meaningful or lasting done on their own. They fight for eternity, but they never get anything done for us. Not really. Sure there’s lots of accomplishments that each party can point to. But none of them are free of molestation from these two parties, ever. Because, they do not fear us. They haven’t feared the American People, like really feared us, for so long that they forgot what that feels like. They don’t take their jobs seriously, only their feuds. They believe the government is theirs to reshape at will, because no one is bringing them to bear and making them truly accountable.

We will talk. 

In our homes, in our schools, at our jobs, anywhere, and everywhere, we will talk...and we will listen to each other. We will have ideas, radical ideas. Ideas like forcing national office holders, from any party, to place the needs of the people at large above the needs of their political party. Or requiring the government to regularly report to us on progress toward goals that we set. Or just that government officials must maintain a wall of separation from their parties and be free to govern and govern only, making their reelections entirely dependent upon their actions, and not their words; and leaving the burden of elections to their respective parties alone. 

We will talk.

But not just to each other. We will talk to friends. We will talk to family. We will talk to neighbors and coworkers. We will talk to anyone who will listen. But we won’t stop there. We will Twitter. We will Snap Chat. We will Reddit. We will Tik-Tok. We will Facebook. We will Instagram. We will Discord. We will YouTube. We will podcast. We will spread onto every social platform that pops up in the future. We will communicate globally, rapidly, and uncontrollably. And we will grow our numbers, like a virus that you just can’t get rid of, no matter how hard you try. 

Once we start talking, we create ideas. The more we share those ideas, the better they get. So we will spread those radical ideas of ours, like limiting the power and the influence of politics within the actual operation of the government. We will point out to any who would listen, that both the Democrats and the Republicans have been failing us for a very long time, all of us; their own people too. We will talk to every light blue, and light red supporter we encounter, and we will encourage them to join us and leave their parties behind!  We will engage the dark blues and the dark reds on any level, and we will fight their rhetoric with reality; and they will come, talking points at the ready, and they will attack us, and we won’t be impressed, and we won’t back down. And...we will win, every time. Because we aren’t here to convince you kool aid swilling fools of a damn thing. We’re here to show the rest of the world how useless you are, and how easy it is to push you back. We will engage you in public, we will engage you in private, and will use you, to pull voters back from your parties. And when we start pulling away those voters, the Republicans and the Democratic voter bases will shrink, and their power will weaken as a result. Their gravity will deteriorate, and their darkest blue supporters will begin to doubt. Then, the money, and the power, and the influence will begin to fall away. And ultimately, they will be cast out of our country, without ever leaving it, and they will be condemned to an eternity in a prison of their own making. 

We, the Missing Americans, are starting to tap into our greatest ability, just as we did before the first American Revolution. It’s called collective learning; and it’s the most powerful tool humanity has ever invented. Both the Republican and the Democratic parties are powerless to stop it from happening. Especially out here in Missing America, where we believe in educating ourselves, and making a difference in our communities.

We will act. (Because at some point the toilet always has to be plunged! That’s why!)

The people entrusted with creating this country, did not take the job lightly. Their biggest worry was how to make something that answered all of the issues that brought them to that point, and also managed to answer future issues that they could never imagine. They deemed a republic to be the best form to build, because it was the only model that stood any chance of surviving the future. Then, in a brilliant move to secure that republic and ensure it would last, they gave each and every American the right to vote. Sure, it took generations to make those hopes a reality for everyone, and true that there is still much work to do, but improvements have been made. Real improvements. Improvements that could only come from the will of the people, and not the machinations of a single political party, no matter how powerful they may be. That single action alone, is the sacred force at the heart of our country. When two parties use it, abuse it, and down right piss on it long enough, people start to ask what that smell is. And when they find it, they throw it out and replace it with something nicer. That’s what we’re going to do, come every election day, from now on.

But that’s not all we’re going to do. 

See, once the tide starts rising, and all those money machines out there that invested so heavily in one party or the other’s ability to make America work the way they want it too, will start to reevaluate their relationship with the ruling parties. They will scramble to find new ways to make a buck, and they will have to take a hard look at how the Missing Americans are affecting their future in our country. 

Burn the money, and they will pay attention. 

That opens up new opportunities for otherwise powerless political parties to maybe become competitive. Yes, all those crazies out there, with their own wacky notions about America, might just have a shot at playing for a change. 

We will assert our influence not only as voters, but consumers, when we start offering up free advice to our followers about certain products, or companies...and then they repeat the message to their followers, etc. This is us, using the internet for us. Not you.

 What happens then? 

We the people, start becoming the story. We start looking for news about what Americans are doing to save our country from the ruling parties. We find it, we share it, we grow it, and we become the subject of viable and lucrative commercial media coverage, not the ruling parties. And as this wave continues, it becomes more and more common to see reports about how Americans are coming together to work out major issues, and then the world will start to take notice. And the world will see that America, the real America is still alive, and fighting for us all. Just not with any help from the ruling parties, because we don’t really need them. We’re a republic, remember?

We will take to the internet and meme the holy shit out of you guys! 

We will troll you to the ends of the earth. We will make so much fun of your parties, that you will long for the good old days when the Daily Show, and Saturday Night Live were the most irritating criticisms you had to deal with. We will make internet challenges like post the best Mitch McConnel turtle pics. We will actually put up billboards that just say “These People Suck!” all over the country. We will hold podcast parties just to discuss how much of a rancid cluster-fuck that both the Republicans and Democrats really are. Together, we will light up the internet with evidence that we are more alike than not. We will take the free and easy opportunity to show what we have in common, and not what we don’t. We will simply follow the rational process of figuring out the things that we all want done, and we will find ways that our government should be able to do what we want, and we will demand that the people running for office do just that. Most importantly, we will make fucking with the ruling parties fun, and thus kinda cool to do. The Republicans and the Democrats will be ripped apart on a daily basis, not by the opposing party and it’s pundits, but by the rest of us. Because we are bored of your bullshit, and we can kick you around as much as we want. It’s the internet, bitches!

But that’s just when we’re sitting around the pad, doing nothing.

When we really get going, we will start hosting actual parties, where we invite actual living, breathing human beings to gather together and celebrate each other, just for being here. See, it doesn't matter if you are born here, or a naturalized citizen. If you are an American, then you are an American. There’s nothing forcing anyone to come here, and there’s nothing forcing anyone to leave. We all choose to live here, because we all believe, on some level, in America. We believe in its reason for being. We believe in it’s capacity to do good in the world. As Americans, we believe in each other. But as Republicans, or Democrats, you only believe what you are told to believe. 

We will have conversations at bars that don’t ask or even mention the ruling parties, just the issues and the ideas to fix them. We will ask why this hasn’t happened sooner. We will make new bonds and create new coalitions, and we will take real actions. Like forming Political Action Committees to spread the MIssing American Message. Or starting “get out the vote” actions on college campuses, but setting them across from the Republican and Democratic ones, and maybe blasting punk rock at them, while we register INDEPENDENT VOTERS! 

Then, in the final act of our revolution, we will start dictating to you, the two ruling parties, what your platforms will have to be, if you wish to continue your existence, and be competitive. We will tell you what kind of job you are expected to do, and we will not give you an easy in, or any kind of cover when you’re hired. 

Ultimately, we, the MIssing Americans, will become part of our own country again. And for evermore, We The People shall firmly have control of our own destiny. As it was meant to be, when first these words were written:

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.”

That is the original Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. Now let’s look at it again, from a modern perspective:

“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present Republican and Democratic Parties is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world”

See? That was easy. Change four little words, and suddenly it ALL APPLIES ONCE MORE!!!!!

So, just to recap:

  • Republicans and Democrats are in deep shit.

  • A growing majority of pissed off Americans are realizing that it’s not our government that is the real problem, it’s the idiots running it; and we want something done about the current state of our government under the rule of two out of touch parties.

  • Ideas cannot be stopped, and the internet is a global wildfire that the two ruling parties cannot control.

  • The past tells us what is really going on, and the Founders showed us how to deal with it in the future, which would be now.

In closing, allow me to say this to anyone who reads this manifesto, I believe there are really only two types of Americans in this country. There’s the Americans who choose to align themselves with the two ruling parties, like the British Loyalists of old; and there’s the rest of us, who choose to live free. So, if you are a loyalist who believes your party is the one to give us all what we want, you weren’t paying attention (or you don’t know how to read); and if you are one of the rest of us, unhappy with the shit-storm that never seems to end with these two parties, then you are already on the path to Revolution, and you are not alone. I can prove it to you. Talk to other people in your life. Ask them if they remember a time when we weren’t suffering in some form or another, under a government controlled by these two feuding parties. Then ask them if they really think we need to be ruled over by either party, when we could use our votes to make them behave, or get rid of them. Essentially, this is the only question that needs answering: are we better off letting either of them drive? Or should we be working harder to get results together, out here, in the real America. 

Show me one American who wouldn’t rather live that way, or believes that the way to that life is through the Reds or the Blues, and I’ll show you an American who loves kool-aid a little too much.

Finally, if you are among the leadership of the Republicans, or the Democrats, and you think you have time to stem the tide, or figure out a way to course correct and use this to your advantage. You are wrong. We can all see the failings of a government system, suffering under poor leadership for too long. Coronavirus has made sure of that.

I am not an expert on politics, or any of the other shit that most people point at to validate their claims. I am not a member of a political party. But I am an expert on being an American. Because I am one. In particular I am an expert at being this American, my own American, because I understand that being me, as an American, was the whole point of how the Founders went about building our country and designing our government. The point is this, we are not a country where 110,000,000 people decide the fate of the other 220,000,000, We are a country where 330,000,000 Individual Americans, are supposed to be deciding their own fates, in cooperation with each other. If that were the case, the two ruling parties would spend very little time fighting to eliminate each other, and most of their time, trying to figure out how they can work together to make our country what it is meant to be.

This manifesto is not a call to arms, but it is a call for all Americans to rebel. 

We, the Missing, want the American people to realize that they are in the midst of a calamitous assault on our Democracy, but it is one that we can easily defeat, together. We want the American people to see that they too are Missing from the political calculus of the Republicans and the Democrats. We must come together as a people, to protect and defend our government, and in doing so...protect and defend ourselves. Our weapons are already in our hands. Chances are you are using one right now to read this. Now, our ultimate weapon is our vote. But our arsenal consists of the most advanced weapons available to us. Viral social networking is our arsenal. By each of us becoming a voice of truth, together we become the voice of change. We become a sort of immune system for our America, attacking the many viral ailments we are suffering. See, when you speak out, even on your own social feeds, you get someone’s attention. Those that see merit to our argument, will come together, and draw more people in as they spread the inoculation of truth. But they will also attract those people in our country who would decry the truth as a lie and push the party lines they are bound to. But that’s good. Simply sharing this manifesto, or just taking anything from this that you deem worthy of consideration, and sharing it with your peeps, will cause the best of us to coalesce around the idea that We the People, can still control our fate; not with guns, or bombs, or billion dollar political campaigns, but with tweets (Thanks Trump!), and the like. We can allow all those Republican and Democratic Karens, who would fight us, to display their preferred party’s flaws for all to see, and allow our message of American Inclusion to easily push aside their one sided imperialism and move forward. Look, this ain’t about guns, and violence. It’s about using the tools we have- and whenever possible, the weapons they use- against the ruling parties. If they collapse, great.  If they survive, so what? Doing this now, and continuing to do it, until it is the dominant narrative driving our political system, is the one thing we have never tried. If we talk to each other, and we discuss the ways we think all political parties should approach our government, if we discuss the things that should be held sacred by law, for all of us, if we decide as a people, what should be guaranteed to always work for all of us, that greatly limits what any party's own agenda can really be. Which in turn, will mean Reds accepting Blue ideas, and Blues doing the same, in order to ensure their mutual survival.

There is no scenario, where the majority of America votes, and it does not turn out to be better for us all, than if we don’t.  Seriously, we do something about the Republicans and the Democrats, that is the single most American thing we can do, and that is completely risk free; or we allow the status quo to continue, until it collapses under its own stupidity, sometime down the road, when the two ruling parties have finally run out of kool-aid. But, ask yourself how much pain and suffering you are willing to endure. Then ask yourself how much you are willing to endure the pain and suffering of those you care about, today, tomorrow, and well past your grave. It’s a simple choice to make, when you don’t have anything to lose, and everything to gain from the effort.

We. Have. Nothing. To lose.

We. Have. Everything. To gain.

This manifesto is not a call to arms, but it is a warning to the Republicans and the Democrats. 

This warning is based on real experiences, and real conversations with real people, out here in Missing America. It is a warning to both of the ruling parties: The Revolution has already begun, and you idiots did this to yourselves. 

Republicans and Democrats need to understand that we are not talking about a revolution against our government. We are talking about a revolution to rescue our government from our oppressors, and forever unleash it to work for us all. This ain’t Socialism. It’s actual, living breathing Democracy we’re talking about. It’s the natural order of things, righting itself.

It’s not like we have to try real hard to do it either. The means to save ourselves is deeply instituted into our everyday lives already. Through technology, and social media, the internet of ideas is now coming full circle and bringing us all together in an unprecedented way. Not only can we reach out to each other in an instant, but we can do it on the world stage, for everyone to see. All we have to do is use it to build a better future for us all. 

If you are a free American, and you doubt what I say, ask yourself is it that you came to be reading this right now? Did you see it on your favorite biased media outlet? Or did someone share it on your favorite social media platform? I bet it was the latter. That’s proof positive that We the Missing are already taking actions. We can do this on our own, as individual voices, working together to spread the message in our own unique ways. And if you still need proof that fighting back is easy to do, then go to www.DeclineToSpecify.Org. Yes, this is a shameless plug, because I am a part of the organization. It is also an example of everything I have been saying in this manifesto. One American, had the idea to show everyone else just exactly what one American was capable of doing to make a difference. That American, discussed the idea with other Americans, of various lifestyles, and without ever asking them what they thought about one party or the other, or anything like that, only the problems we have in common. Then those Americans decided to work together to see how hard it would be to make their idea of “one person, one difference” a reality. The end result is a company that started a Super PAC devoted to disrupting the grip on power that the Republicans and Democrats have enjoyed for so long; by educating Americans, and encouraging them to do the same damn thing we did! This one American did it all for less than $1000 dollars and about a month’s worth of work. The company really only has three people in it, and they all volunteer. You haven’t heard much about us, because we are tiny, by design. And while we have fundraising in mind, we are not fundraising dependent. Because we only need $1000 a year to keep the message alive. We only have to exist, in order to bring the change we want in our country. And because we exist, we have sped up the inevitable revolution that is coming. The more Americans realize they can do what we are doing; the faster the revolution will come, and the sooner we can go about making the world a better place for everyone in it. See, this isn’t just about us saving ourselves, it’s about us taking a leadership role in the global future of our planet. Because the moment other nations see that our way is working, they will want to follow us. Not because of American Exceptionalism, but because American Humanism - our ability to be brave enough to show that lifting all people is the way forward.

If you are a Loyalist, and you doubt what I say. Ask yourself this...what exactly do you think 330,000,000 American citizens, all holed up together during this Pandemic, with or without toilet paper for the foreseeable future, are doing right now? Yup...talking to each other. Guess what comes next? (See Above.)

If you are an American, who has lost your faith in America, if you are an American who reads this and says, “What can we really do about it anymore?”, if you are an American who is unmoved by my words, that’s cool. We, the Missing Americans among you, have faith enough in you, in our Constitution, and in our government (when run tight) to fight for you. Because we know, in time, you too will join the revolution, and we know that any good revolution will include everyone, even the Loyalists who eventually get the nerve to leave the cult mentality behind and join the free.

Our Democracy need not be limited to the will of those powerful enough to steal it from us, briefly, from time to time. It will always belong to the people of our Republic, and it will always find its way back to us.

It’s like this America, we live in the very model of what a Republic should be.

And together, we are still strong enough to keep it.