Just look at the numbers, any numbers, and you will see that we have endured an epidemic of Americans who don’t vote, for generations. The result has been the ever increasing marginalization of our rights as Americans. We’re not talking about the rights taken by the Left from the Right, or the Right from the Left, either. No. We are talking about all Americans. Every time there is a major election, the same two parties, wheel out the same circus acts, and the same groups of people flock to their banners. Effectively taking half the country, and then dividing that in half, and ultimately imposing the will of one quarter of the people on the entire population. Why? Because half of us can…but don’t, vote. That’s why nothing ever changes. We should get fresh faces, with fresh ideas that come from our communities, who will work hard to find ways to serve everyone.
But, what do we get instead? We get the same aging thoroughbreds, or we get untested firebrands. And we get them in BOTH PARTIES! It’s come to a point where the two warring parties are now locked in internal civil wars as well. So yet again, we the people are faced with narrowing ideological options, and it’s swiftly becoming nothing but a constant contest to be the least of all evils in order to get elected. Again, why? BECAUSE HALF OF THE COUNTRY DOESN’T FRACKING VOTE!!!!!!
The True Majority Project seeks to change that by challenging any efforts made, anywhere in America, to interfere with any individual’s right to vote. We are dedicated to promoting the power of One Person, One Vote. We seek to restore every American’s faith in the power of truly democratic elections.
The True Majority Project provides a universal space for community building, and Idea sharing, right here on the website! Please join the discussion and show the world that real Americans are more than just Red or Blue!
The True Majority Project also seeks to put support in the field for any and all efforts to increase voter access to this most fundamental human right. We all have the right to pursue happiness, and together we can see that happen for everyone. Imagine, if half the country showed up on election day, as planned, only to meet an independent half who is there to pass judgement on the ruling parties. How would that affect the two tiny quarter sized populations owned by the Republicans and the Democrats? What if we the people suddenly started imposing our collective will on the two ruling parties by raising the bar of our expectations to a bold new height? Would they really be able to rise to the challenge by doing things the old fashioned way? or would they be forced to evolve into modern political parties, capable of doing the job right for change? Wouldn’t you like to find out? We sure as hell would!
We want to reach out to those many disenchanted Americans, especially the ones who don’t think they can make a difference anymore. You’re wrong! The point of The True Majority is to destabilize the foundations of the alleged Two Party System and force the two parties to take notice and recognize that the times are changing, and that collectively, they are either with us, or against us! And all that take is a simple act of voting. Hell, even if we only get one quarter of the non-voting population to show up and vote for Homie The Clown, that’s a clear victory for every American who has had enough of the bullshit coming out of Washington D.C., day after day, and year after year. Besides, If you truly believe that all is lost, and the Barbarians have broken the gates, do you just want to lay down and take it? Or do you want to go down swinging? Not with bats and pitchforks, but with the original American Made Weapon,,,Our Votes!
We refuse to believe that Independent Americans will go down without a fight! is hell bent on eliminating any blocks preventing any American from Voting, anywhere in the United States.
The Challenge To Waking The Sleeping Giant Begins WITH Educating Ourselves:
WHY DON’T AMERICANS VOTE? Start by reading this article and thinking about it.
INCREASING VOTER TURNOUT: WHAT IF ANYTHING CAN BE DONE? Next read this article and consider how these ideas might or might not work.
BRACE FOR A VOTER-TURNOUT TSUNAMI! Now check out this recent article about 2020 voter increases and ask yourself, how can we afford to miss an opportunity to send a message to BOTH PARTIES right now!?!
We must mobilize the Independent American Community at large, and get people out there to help their fellow Americans, by supporting local initiatives to get people voting. Americans need to know how much their voice is meant to matter in our country, and that the more we vote, the louder we are! Americans should spend less time on the media, and more time with each other. it’s a simple move that makes waves in our country. We believe this change can be permanently achieved by:
Supporting Americans whose ability to vote is physically or economically challenged.
Supporting Independent Voter Registration Programs Across America.
Supporting every effort by other Americans to achieve our common goal of increasing American involvement in our future, through voter turn outs that not only include all Americans, but better demonstrates and enforces our collective will on the Ruling Parties.
Raising the Independent share of the Electorate to it’s full potential, in order to bring true balance back to our political system, and get our government working for us again…All Of Us!
Educating the American People on why we need a strong Independent Voice at the highest levels of American Politics!
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”