Fuck Superman! Clark Kent is more powerful anyway!

Dear Missing America,

Fuck Superman! Clark Kent Is More Powerful Anyway!

No really, fuck him! I mean don’t get me wrong, he’s all cool and shit! With the flying, and the laser eyes, and super strength, etc. But let’s just take a moment and consider which side he would choose, the left or the right? Sadly, I believe he would choose both sides, so therefore I must say...Fuck...Superman! I say he would choose both sides because he would choose to work with the government, and give no consideration to the party in control of it. So, in today’s America, he would be choosing to work for the Lex Luthor level villains of our country, the modern Republican and Democrat Parties. So you see my point. But Clark Kent? That’s another story.

See, the strength of Clark Kent is found in his never ending quest to live a normal, personally satisfying, American life. That’s where he lives, everyday America. Yes, he is also Superman, with all the superpowers, but he is also a voting American, just like you and me. See, he doesn’t assume the Clark Kent identity as a disguise. It’s who he is, really. He only uses his alter ego when he has to, to deal with temporary threats and singular events. But Clark Kent fights the daily fights of American Life, not Superman. So, essentially, the true heroism of Clark Kent’s everyday life is found in his ability to live it like the rest of us do, instead of placing himself above us. Right now, in both the Republican and Democrat Parties, all we got is a shitload of Supers, and not one fucking Clark Kent to be found! Hell, even the ones that claim to be Clark Kent, are just fooling themselves! There simply is no room, and no tolerance for the valued heroism of Clark Kent in those two parties anymore. When you have nothing but supers, trying to claim the high ground and name themselves hero and the other guys villain, a lot of shit gets broken, and a lot of lives get ruined, and a lot of chaos and carnage ensues. And it’s always Clark Kent’s people, you know them, they’re us, you and me; it’s always us that has to deal with the fall out from the shit storms generated by the constant battling overhead. That is life on the streets of America, all the streets, the fancy streets, the suburban streets, the actual streets. We all must live our lives under the constant threat of something horrible crashing down on us and destroying something, because one party or the other just won something. It has been this way for generations now; it needs to stop; and it’s gonna be a Clark Kent (that’s us), and not Superman (that’s them), who is going to stop it. It’s actually going to be a lot of Clark Kents and Lois Lanes, or whoever you want to be your Analogous Avatar, you get the point. So come on Rainbow Unicorn, or whoever you are, let’s rise up together and get all “we actually live in America” on their asses!

We don’t need superheroes running our government. We don’t need celebrities. We don’t need saviors. What we need is servants. Pure, simple, humble, American Public Servants. That is not what we have been getting, for a very, very, very long time. From either party!

I think I have driven my point home over the last few blog posts: Democrats bad, Republicans bad, Americans good. 

Now let’s talk about how crazy an idea it would be to actually take on the task of a legit revolution! (If you thought I was kidding about starting a revolution, in earnest; or if you thought that I was crazy for even suggesting it. Well, then you would be half wrong, at least. So pat yourself on the back for that one!) 

“But how?” You ask. “A Revolution? Without guns or violence? Seriously, how?” 

With our words and our deeds, that’s how. 

Look, most Americans are already thinking it, or discussing it, or doing it. They just don’t realize it yet. These are the many millions of Missing Americans out there who have yet to realize the power they hold in their hands; a power to change the course of this country in a meaningful and lasting way. So in a way, it’s the people of Kent, and not the people of El (that’s Superman’s last name, for the less cool among us) who hold the one true superpower that we need to save the world: our vote. And the crazy thing is, that both of the “Super Parties” are guilty of trying to prevent the people of Kent from voting. So why shouldn’t we rebel against them both and use our collective super powers to save ourselves, our country, and each other? All we have to do is band together and take a few marvelously heroic and easy steps!

Step 1. Register to Vote! - That alone is the most powerful thing any American can do today. Because it destabilizes the data upon which both of the Super Parties depend so heavily. They count on half the nation not voting. It makes it easier for them to corral the herds under their influence, if the cattle believe they are safer with them, then without. If however, a massive number of unaccounted for Americans suddenly registered to vote, it then ensures that all of the polling models would go out the window, that a panic would ensue, and that suddenly there would be a mysterious new voting block out there, looming like an iceberg, waiting to sink someone’s mother fucking battle ship, all Freddy Krueger style, bitches! And that would be us, The Missing Americans, sending a message. Firing a warning shot across both their bows. Forcing them to acknowledge our existence.

Step 2. Decline To Specify! - Look, if you want to know you were part of a truly American attempt to show the political elite that we are here, and we demand respect. Great, you’re already there if you just did Step 1. But if you want to really make a statement, or send a message, or piss off some relatives, then you must decline to specify a party, or declare yourself independent, or whatever the equal term is where you register to vote. And if you are currently in one of the super parties, but you have read this far into this blog, well then do the same damn thing and change your voter status to a non party status. DO IT PEOPLE!!!! LIKE, RIGHT NOW!!!! Because, it will cut both of the Super Parties down to size so fast that they will fly into a total panic and start battling each other all the way down from that shiny Capitol Hill they all covet so much. Without reliable data, and reliable voter bases, they will both be forced to come to our table, and to talk to us!

Step 3. FUCKING VOTE! - Yeah, that’s the thing that will lock in a new dawn of prosperity in a dark and scary land. Simply because we, the Missing Americans took it upon ourselves, as individuals, to stand up for one another, through the most powerful constitutional act of all. But we can’t stop there! We have to talk to the people in our lives, and try to get them to believe in us, and each other, as Americans, and not as Republicans or Democrats. We need to find or wake as many MIssing Americans as we can, and get them registered, and get them to the polls! So start car pooling mother fuckers on the weekend or some shit, like right now! And spread the message of Independence in America! Be the heroes we need for each other, and not the followers of those who would presume to rise above us.

November 2020 and beyond is anxiously awaiting the rise of the Missing America! So let’s get on that shit, people! Like...yesterday!


B. Voll